Plugins – GBMNguyễn Đức Toàn Hoàn thành những gì đã khởi sự Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:49:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 114788265 [Plug-in] Simple site popup Sat, 22 Feb 2014 19:06:47 +0000 Continue reading [Plug-in] Simple site popup]]> === Simple Site Popup ===

Plugin at WordPress:

Download: Don’t do it so fast, read some informations now. (If you still can’t wait, it’s in bottom, ha ha)

Contributors: thienhaxanh2405

Author link:

Tags: popup, webiste popup

Requires at least: 3.8

Tested up to: 3.8.1

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI:

A very simple way to display popup in your site.

== Description ==

With this plug in, you can open a popup in Homepage, a post or a page or wherever you want.

== Installation ==

1. Upload folder ‘simple-site-popup’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’

2. Activate the plugin through the Plugin menu.

3. Go to menu Plugins/Simple Popup to set pop up, close button, post, page you want to open pop up.

4. OTHER WAY to USE: if you’re good with step 3, don’t care this step.

If you want to open pop up in a custom page, post, or somewhere in you theme, put the code: <?php if(function_exsts(‘simple-site-popup’)) simple-site-popup();?> before </body>.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= No popup =

My plugin requires jQuery library. Make sure you’ve included jQuery library.

= Can I open popup in any post, page? =

Sure, in plugin menu, you fill to the field Where to Display. You can fill POST ID, PAGE ID; 1, 2, 3 or more. Seperated by comma “,”.

= Only image popup, can I use html code? =

I promise, I next version, you can 🙂

= Others problems =

Please contact, email: or follow plugin’s page:

== Screenshots ==

Screenshot-1 simple site popup

1. Open popup in homepage.


2. Plugin options in admin menu.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

* The first release.

Ordered list:

1. jQuery library


WordPress: or Simple_Site_Popup_Version-1.0


Anythings you want from me, contact me: here or email:

Thank you and Goodluck.

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[Plug-in] Truyện cười widget Fri, 21 Feb 2014 00:15:18 +0000 Continue reading [Plug-in] Truyện cười widget]]> (Plug-in này mình ko khuyến khích mọi người dùng bây giờ lắm, do có thể sẽ ko ổn định về services lấy nội dung truyện về)

Hế lô mọi người.

Mình vừa mới code xong plugin hiển thị truyện cười cho các bạn nào xài wordpress nhé.
Nó là 1 widget nên rất dễ sử dụng.

  Screenshot-1 - truyện cười widget

Screenshot-2 - truyện cười widget

Screenshot-3 - truyện cười widget

Các bạn download, dùng thử và cho mình ý kiến nhé.

Dowload tại đây nhé: TruyenCuoi_Widget_version-1.0

Thân ái và quyết thắng.

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