[Plug-in] Simple site popup

Screenshot-1 simple site popup

=== Simple Site Popup ===

Plugin at WordPress: http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-site-popup/

Download: Don’t do it so fast, read some informations now. (If you still can’t wait, it’s in bottom, ha ha)

Contributors: thienhaxanh2405

Author link: http://thienhaxanh.info/

Tags: popup, webiste popup

Requires at least: 3.8

Tested up to: 3.8.1

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

A very simple way to display popup in your site.

== Description ==

With this plug in, you can open a popup in Homepage, a post or a page or wherever you want.

== Installation ==

1. Upload folder ‘simple-site-popup’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’

2. Activate the plugin through the Plugin menu.

3. Go to menu Plugins/Simple Popup to set pop up, close button, post, page you want to open pop up.

4. OTHER WAY to USE: if you’re good with step 3, don’t care this step.

If you want to open pop up in a custom page, post, or somewhere in you theme, put the code: <?php if(function_exsts(‘simple-site-popup’)) simple-site-popup();?> before </body>.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= No popup =

My plugin requires jQuery library. Make sure you’ve included jQuery library.

= Can I open popup in any post, page? =

Sure, in plugin menu, you fill to the field Where to Display. You can fill POST ID, PAGE ID; 1, 2, 3 or more. Seperated by comma “,”.

= Only image popup, can I use html code? =

I promise, I next version, you can 🙂

= Others problems =

Please contact, email: nguyenductoan2405@gmail.com or follow plugin’s page: http://thienhaxanh.info/plug-in-simple-site-popup/

== Screenshots ==

Screenshot-1 simple site popup

1. Open popup in homepage.


2. Plugin options in admin menu.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

* The first release.

Ordered list:

1. jQuery library


WordPress: http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-site-popup/ or Simple_Site_Popup_Version-1.0


Anythings you want from me, contact me: here or email: nguyenductoan2405@gmail.com

Thank you and Goodluck.

By thienhaxanh2405

Some where I belong....

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